Charlie the Vet Wound & Skin Care Spray

Having multiple dogs means more of a chance of them having an accidental scratch or sore spot so it’s good to find something to help treat these minor injuries at home if I needed to.

If you have a Gundog or other breed that has lots of energy I’m sure you’ll find that even on walks they’re busy running through brambles and undergrowth. It’s not unusual to find scratches on the Spaniels from thorns or running under fences. My Cockapoo Wilma also has sensitive skin to sometimes a change in environment or long grasses can cause hot spots on her skin.

This Antiseptic spray is something I can quickly spray on a wound to keep it clean and promote healing. It eliminates 99.9% of germs so prevents infection and promotes natural healing so no unnecessary trips to the vet as well as soothing the skin so it is less painful for your dog. Of course if it is a large wound or you’re unsure what is wrong with your dog you should go straight to your vets.

Clinically proven and Vet recommended the Wound and Skin Care Spray is completely safe for Animals, Humans and the environment. So the same spray can be used across your different pets of all ages, with nothing to worry about if they lick and ingest some of it. It can be applied to itchy and irritated skin, wounds, cuts, grazes, hotspots, bites, stings, skin disinfection and post surgery care.

This is a great addition to my Charlie the Vet Pet First Aid Kit that comes everywhere with me in the car. A first aid kit is something that I hope you never have to use, but this comes with absolutely everything you could need to help patch your dog up before visiting the vets. There’s a guide inside which explains how to use every one of the 22 items within.

If you ever used parts of it you can also purchase their first aid kit refill to top up the essentials without re-buying the whole first aid kit.

Thanks for reading,

Megan, Woody, Wilma & Wyn

This is a paid collaboration with Charlie the Vet, all thoughts are my own.

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