
My name is Megan, I’m a Photographer living in The Cotswolds with my three dogs Woody, Wilma & Wyn.

Woody is a 12 year old Working Cocker Spaniel, joined by Wilma a 7 year old Apricot F1 Cockapoo and Wyn the 9 month old Working Cocker Spaniel.

We travel the country on our adventures, finding the best dog friendly places on our way. If you’d like to work with us on a blog post just get in touch. From visiting shows, to reviewing dog products we test it all, if it’s Spaniel proof then you know it must be good!

If you’d like to book a photoshoot with me then just head on over to my photography website here. Otherwise if you’re a business and would like professionally imagery get in contact and I’d be happy to give you a quote.

Both dogs are ‘dog models’ and have worked on big shoots and productions across the country. If you’re interested in having them model for you send me over some job details for us to have a read.

Email – megan@meganwilliamsphotography.co.uk

Please note we do not view or store any personal information from you, us Spaniels aren’t that clever…yet!