Wyn is one!

Wyn is turning one year old today! I can’t quite believe our little Red Working Cocker Puppy is a whole year old today and has been part of our family for 10 months (I picked her up when she was 8 weeks old).

We’ve been having so much fun together that time has flown by. She is the happiest, most sociable dog I have ever met! Nothing phases her.

She’s progressing well with both Gundog and Dog Agility foundations as we travel the country for various training days together. Now that she is basically fully grown and her bones have properly developed this year I am looking forward to being able to train new pieces of agility equipment that she was too little for before; as well as giving Canicross a go because I think it will be so fun to run together!

Photographing her is so much easier these days. I’d forgotten until looking back at old images how hard it was to get her to sit still and take the photo all with one pair of hands. Now she’ll happily sit with Woody and Wilma with lots of distractions around her for the best group photos of all three of them.

Of course she isn’t perfect all of the time (Which dog is?). She’d rather chase Squirrels than come back immediately, heelwork is easily forgotten, left alone she’d open all of the post for me and she’ll often be found in the larder bringing me random pieces of food. However I must remember all of the progress we’ve made: 9-12 months old most walks were spent with her on the long line as she forgot all recall training. At that age their hormones are changing and the world around them can become so overwhelming (Either over exciting or scary) which is totally normal for any puppy. Stick to your training plan and be consistent every walk and soon you’ll be able to enjoy off lead walks again with a happy and well behaved dog, it feels like forever but you’ll get there!

Wyn I am so grateful you came into my life, I didn’t realise how much of a dream dog you could be! Here’s to many more memories to come ๐Ÿงก

Thanks for reading,

Megan, Woody, Wilma & Wyn

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