Wyn’s 6 month update

Wyn is now 6 months old and is like a hurricane in our lives. Whizzing through the house she can cause chaos and destruction wherever she goes, life isn’t quite as relaxing any more but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

She has now started the foundations of Gundog training as well as Agility training. It’s so easy to forget how much work goes into shaping a young dog and that they don’t automatically know everything that my adult dogs know.

We had our first holiday with 3 dogs to Cornwall and she had an absolute blast! Her days were filled with different beaches where she spent her time chasing Woody in and out of the sea or digging holes in the sand with Wilma. A particular highlight was watching her find a huge fish on the sand and run around the beach showing how proud she was of her treasure.

Wyn also got her first win in the local farm shop’s dog show where she won the puppy class. Hopefully it’s the start of a winning career in her agility life!

For now we are focusing every day on training. Every walk, every outing with treats in hand to always reward heel work and recall and hopefully she’ll grow into a delightful young lady. She loves the chickens a little too much, whilst the cat has to put up with her sitting on his head when he’s trying to sleep.

We had a fun autumnal outing to Cotswold Farm Park to their dog friendly pumpkin patch. I’m sure Christmas with a puppy will certainly be entertaining; I hope the Christmas tree survives!

Thanks for reading,

Megan, Woody and Wilma x

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